Commercial Harbors Environmental Compliance Support Services, Statewide


(Offer Due Date: February 24, 2022)

Project Details
The estimated budget for this contract is $400,000.00. The scope of work for this contract will include, but is not limited to, compliance with the HDOT 2014 Consent Decree with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the State of Hawaii Department of Health (HDOH) and Harbors Division storm water management programs; assist the HDOT Harbors Division in the implementation of its Environmental Management System (EMS); conduct various environmental awareness trainings; support the HDOT Harbors statewide facilities asbestos survey and the development of asbestos management plans; conducting environmental site assessments and investigations and related data collection and testing at various commercial harbors and facilities; and other environmental compliance support services at commercial harbors statewide as requested. Work may require interisland travel to other neighbor island commercial harbors. Familiarity with and experience in Geographic Information System (GIS) and computerized Asset Management System (AMS) are required. Certification in erosion and sediment control such as the Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) by EnvironCert International, Inc. or equivalent is also desired.

Name: Niko Salvador
Phone: (808) 587-1862
Email: [email protected]

Project Overview
The State of Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT), Harbors Division seeks professional and qualified environmental consulting services for the undertaking of Commercial Harbors Environmental Compliance Support Services, Statewide – Job H.C. 90148

Associated Documents
H.C. 90148 – Consultant Services Questionnaire
H.C. 90148 – Notice to Providers of Professional Services