
The Environmental Section, AIR-EE, serves as the divisional coordinator for matters relating to environmental compliance at all 15 State operated airports. Subject matters include, but are not limited to: stormwater, water quality, wastewater, hazardous waste, petroleum storage, and contaminated media. AIR-EE oversees these environmental matters as they relate to airport operations, tenant facilities, construction sites, drainage infrastructure, and asset management.
Public Service Announcement: Stormwater Pollution
Public Service Announcement: Protect Our Water
Spills and Illicit Discharge Reporting
Please report any illicit discharges, illegal connections, or other environmental violations to Airport Environmental Health Specialists at dot.air.environmental@hawaii.gov and appropriate airport personnel per your airport’s spill reporting fact sheet.
Please note: All spills, leaks, and or illicit discharges must be reported to AIR-EE by completing the following form: Spill, Leak, and/or Illicit Discharge Reporting Form
Spill reporting factsheets are also available for each airport at their respective compliance program page.
Tenant Inspection and Enforcement Manual
The Department of Transportation, Airports Division (DOTA) has been actively involved in the development and implementation of programs to control pollution. This document details the procedures implemented by DOTA environmental personnel at state airports to ensure that all tenant operations comply with regulatory requirements and Best Management Practices (BMPs) for operations at State of Hawaii Airports.
Annual Mandatory Environmental Compliance Program Training Video for Tenants and Airport Users
*** For Construction Stormwater Training, please click link below to CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF CONTROL PROGRAM. ***
This video is the annual mandatory environmental compliance program training video for tenants and airport users. The Video is approximately 32 minutes and covers requirements for good housekeeping, spill response, and summarizes various environmental permit and plan requirements.
Please complete the ten question Annual Environmental Tenant Training Survey.
Ensure that you select all your spaces, under “Tenant List” if you lease multiple spaces or oversee multiple airports. Service providers and DOTA employees should fill in the appropriate information without using the tenant list.
If supervisors train their employees, please fill out the training roster sign in sheet. This is only needed for employees who do not fill out the ten-question survey online.
Construction Site Runoff/PBMP Program (For Designers, Construction Managers, and Contractors)
The Construction Site Runoff Control Program has been developed to address the potential pollutants that are generated as a result of construction activities in accordance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Program. All Designers, Construction Managers, Contractors, and other parties involved with construction at airports, statewide, must comply with this program. All construction projects must undergo a construction plan review and receive a Notice-To-Proceed from DOTA prior to commencing construction activities.
Daniel K. Inouye International Airport Environmental Compliance Program
DOTA owns and operates the Small Municipal separate Storm Sewer System (Small MS4) which is regulated under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. HI22KG724 with the Department of Health (DOH). The MS4 conveys stormwater from structures, runways, taxiways, and roadways at HNL to Keehi Lagoon and Mamala Bay. Additionally, HNL operates under an Industrial NPDES Permit No. HIR80G868 for stormwater discharges related to industrial airport activities. These MS4 and Industrial discharges are regulated by the Clean Water Act. These permits are designed to reduce or eliminate the impact the stormwater discharges may have on receiving waters.
Additionally, AIR-EE oversees a NPDES permit for stormwater discharges in relation to the Koi Ponds at the Cultural Gardens under Permit No. HI14LE521, and various other environmental compliance permits/programs such as: hazardous waste removal, oil storage under a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan and Underground Storage Tank (UST) permits.
Kahului Airport Environmental Compliance Program
DOTA owns and operates the Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (Small MS4) which is regulated under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. HI22KG725 with the Department of Health (DOH). The MS4 conveys stormwater from structures, runways, taxiways, and roadways at OGG to Kahului Bay. Additionally, OGG operates under an Industrial NPDES Permit No. HIR80G861 for stormwater discharges related to industrial airport activities. These MS4 and Industrial discharges are regulated by the Clean Water Act. These permits are designed to reduce or eliminate the impact the stormwater discharges may have on receiving waters.
Additionally, AIR-EE oversees various other environmental compliance permits/programs such as: hazardous waste removal, and oil storage under a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan.
Lihue Airport Environmental Compliance Program
DOTA owns and operates an unregulated municipal separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). The MS4 conveys stormwater from structures, runways, taxiways, and roadways at LIH to the Pacific Ocean. LIH operates under an Industrial NPDES Permit No. HIR80G862 for stormwater discharges related to industrial airport activities. These Industrial discharges are regulated by the Clean Water Act. The permit is designed to reduce or eliminate the impact the stormwater discharges may have on receiving waters.
Additionally, AIR-EE oversees various other environmental compliance permits/programs such as: hazardous waste removal, oil storage under a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan and Underground Storage Tank (UST) permits.
Environmental Compliance Program for all Other Airports
Kapalua Airport (JHM) has a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Conditional “No Exposure” Exclusion (CNEE) Permit No. HI21BG359 with the Department of Health (DOH). Kalealoa Airport (JRF), Kawaihapai Airfield (HDH), Hilo International Airport (ITO), Ellison Onizuka International Airport at Keahole (KOA), and Molokai Airport (MKK) are regulated under the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program with DOH. Stormwater from structures, runways, taxiways, and roadways at these airports is conveyed to UIC drainage wells.
Additionally, AIR-EE oversees various other environmental compliance permits/programs such as: hazardous waste removal, oil storage under Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans (JRF, ITO, KOA, LNY, and MKK) and an Underground Storage Tank (UST) Permit (KOA).
Spill Reporting Fact sheets, Tenant Guidance, and other documents for all other airports and their relevant environmental compliance program can be found here.
Useful Links
Hawaii Clean Water Branch Industrial Permit Guidance:
Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) Chapter 11-54 and 11-55:
Hawaii Hazardous Evaluation and Emergency Response Office (HEER) for Spill Reporting:
EPA SPCC Guidance:
Sustainable DOT-A
Learn more about the DOT-A’s Sustainability Program and Guiding Resources by visiting the Sustainable DOT-A webpage.