Construction Site Runoff/PBMP Program
The Construction Site Runoff/PBMP Program has been developed to address the potential pollutants that are generated as a result of construction activities in accordance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Program and other environmental regulations. All Designers, Construction Managers, Contractors, and other parties involved with construction at airports, statewide, must comply with this program. All construction projects must undergo a construction plan review and receive a Notice-To-Proceed from DOTA prior to commencing construction activities.
Construction/Post-Construction Plans/Manuals
- Construction Site Runoff Control Program ** Currently being updated **
- Post-Construction Best Management Practice Manual
Construction BMP (Best Management Practices) Training Video and Survey
It is required for all parties involved with construction project responsibilities, including DOTA engineers, inspectors, contractors, consultants, and designers, to complete the DOTA Construction BMP Training before construction begins and annually during construction.
The Designers’ training includes information on permits and documents needed by the designer prior to construction, BMP Planning, and PBMPs. The Contractors’ training includes information needed by the contractor prior to construction, BMPs on site, and common BMP deficiencies observed. To complete your training, go to the DOTA Construction BMP Training Survey, select your project role, watch the video, and complete the survey that follows. Designers and Contractors will be directed to their respective training, Project Managers, Construction Managers, and BMP inspectors will have the option to take either or both.
There are two training options:
- All employees associated with and working on the project follow the survey link to complete the training individually, or
- The supervisors/managers complete the training with a passing score of 70% and above, train their employees, and submit a sign-in roster of the employees at the bottom of the DOTA Construction BMP Training Survey
Completed Construction BMP Training Surveys, which will be emailed to you once you pass, and/or the training roster sign-in sheet must be up to date and included in the SSBMP Plan or SWPPP.
DOTA Environmental Submittals and Guidance
- SOP and Veoci QRGs ** These are updated regularly but the current versions posted might not reflect the most recent changes. **
- SOP Environmental Requirements for Construction
- Appendix A-1 Veoci Getting Started QRG
- Appendix B-1 Less than 1 Acre Process Map
- Appendix B-2 1 acre or Greater Process Map
- Appendix B-3 Construction Design Less than 1 Acre QRG
- Appendix B-4 Construction Design 1 Acre or Greater QRG
- Appendix D-3 Correcting Inspection Deficiencies (Contractor) Veoci QRG
- Designers and Tenant Improvement Projects Resources
- Construction Plan Design and Review SOP for Designers and Tenants ** Currently being updated **
- Construction Connection, Discharge, and Surface Runoff Permit (28.7KB) (For drainage basin maps for other airports please reach out to AIR-EE.)
- Contaminated Soil and Groundwater Review Form
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Template
- Site-Specific Best Management Practices (SSBMP) Plan Template
- Contractors
Useful Construction Documents (ALL AIRPORTS)
- Spill Response Fact Sheets
- Spill, Leak, and/or Illicit Discharge Reporting Form
- HNL Spill Reporting Fact Sheet
- OGG Spill Reporting Fact Sheet
- JRF & HDH Spill Reporting Fact Sheet
- MKK Spill Reporting Fact Sheet
- LIH Spill Reporting Fact Sheet
- ITO & KOA Spill Reporting Fact Sheet
- PAK, LUP, LNY, JHM, HNM, UPP & MUE Spill Reporting Fact Sheet
- DOTA Statewide Programmatic Environmental Hazard Evaluation and Environmental Hazard Management Plan (EHE-EHMP)
- DOTA Statewide EHE-EHMP October 2019 ** Currently being updated **
- DOH submittals related to Construction
To view and print the Portable Document Files (pdf), you need a free copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher. This will take you to the Adobe web site, where step-by-step instructions are available.