New temporary signal on Keawe Street at the Kupuohi Street intersection

Posted on Mar 5, 2024 in Main, News

LAHAINA, Hawai‘i – The Hawai‘i Department of Transportation (HDOT) advises the public that the County of Maui will be installing a new temporary traffic signal system at the intersection of Keawe Street and Kupuohi Street, makai of the Lahaina Bypass.

The County will install the temporary traffic signals, advance warning signs, and pavement striping modifications between 12 a.m. to 6 a.m. Wednesday, March 6, with the signals being fully operational following the installation.

The new traffic signal will improve safety for motorists entering and exiting Kupuohi Street and create gaps in traffic flow to facilitate traffic movement out of the Lahaina Gateway and Walgreens areas.

HDOT is issuing this notice on operational changes to Keawe Street to ensure motorists are aware of the new temporary traffic signal system and possible traffic impacts to the Lahaina Bypass.

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