Reports to the Legislature

Reports to the 2025 Legislature

  1. HRS 37-47, 37-48, 37-49 Report on Non-General Fund Information (2025 Legislature)
  2. Act 131 SLH 2021 Equity and Climate Change
  3. Act 222 SLH 1995 Bikeways Report
  4. Act 244 SLH 2023 Safe Routes to School
  5. SCR 63 Route 11 Flooding at MP 60   Kau Flooding Report    Appendix A – SRD   Appendix B – West Report_reduced    Appendix C – Concept Alternatives  Appendix D – Timeline
  6. Act 30 (2024) Report Red Light


Reports to the 2024 Legislature

  1. Act 317 SLH 2012 Safe Routes to School
  2. Act 250 SLH 2019 State Highway Enforcement Program
  3. Act 222 SLH 1995 Bikeways Report
  4. HRS 37-47, 37-48, 37-49 Report on Non-General Fund Information (2024 Legislature)
  5. Act 164 SLH 2023 Part VII Issuance of Bonds Sections 12-15
  6. HRS 37-47, 37-48, 37-49 Report on Non-General Fund Information (2025 Legislature)


Reports to the 2023 Legislature

  1. Act 164 SLH 2023 Part VII Issuance of Bonds Sections
  2. Act 100 SLH 2009 Government-Operations
  3. Act 30 SLH 2020 Photo Red Light Running Pilot Project
  4. Act 222 Bikeway Projects and Expenditures 2023 Session


Reports to the 2022 Legislature

  1. HRS 206J-19 Aloha Tower Development Corporation Report 2022
  2. HRS 37-47, 37-48, 37-49 Report on Non-General Fund Information
  3. HRS 291C-111.5 Highway Enforcement Program Report 2023
  4. HRS 261-7(e) Operations and Use Privileges Report 2023
  5. ACT 88 Capital Improvement Project Proviso Report
  6. SCR 193 Thermal Screening and Tracing Camera Equipment
  7. ACT 30 Photo Red Light Imaging Detector System Pilot Program Report
  8. ACT 87 Non-General Fund Information (22)
  9. ACT 100 Government Operations Report
  10. HRS 206J-19 Aloha Tower Development Corporation Annual Report (22)
  11. ACT 222 Bikeway Projects and Expenditures Report (22)
  12. ACT 250 State Highway Safety Program Report
  13. ACT 317 Safe Routes to School Report (22)
  14. ACT 100 Government Operations Report (22)


Reports to the 2021 Legislature

      1. ACT 30 Photo Red Light Imaging Detector System Pilot Program Report (20)
      2. ACT 40 (19) Capital Improvement Project Report for December 2019 – November 2020
      3. ACT 100 Government Operations Report (21)
      4. ACT 134 (19) Vision Zero Report for CY 2020
      5. ACT 222 Bikeway Projects and Expenditures Report (21)
      6. ACT 250 State Highway Enforcement Program Report (21)
      7. HRS 206J-19 Aloha Tower Development Corporation Annual Report for CY 2020
      8. HRS 264-19E Transportation Improvement Special Fund Report (21)
      9. HRS 291C-3 Safe Routes to School Report (21)
      10. ACT 005 (19), Section 23 & 24, Transfer of Position and Funds Report (21)
      11. ACT 005 (19), Section 23 & 24, Transfer of Position and Funds Report (21)


Reports to the 2020 Legislature

      1. ACT 005 and ACT 040 Budget Proviso Report (20)
      2. ACT 100 Government Operations Report (20)
      3. ACT 131 Red Light Running Report (20)
      4. ACT 222 Bikeway Projects and Expenditures Report (20)
      5. ACT 312 Safe Routes to School Report (20)
      6. ACT 370 Transportation Improvement Special Fund (20)
      7. HR 061 Hawaii Commercial Harbor Authority (20)
      8. SR 102 SD 1 Maritime Heavy Weather and Hurricane Plan (20)
      9. SEC 206J-19 Aloha Tower Development Corporation Annual Report (20)


Reports to the 2019 Legislature

      1. Act 100 Government Operations Report (19)
      2. ACT 049 Equipment and Motor Vehicle Report ADMIN (19)
      3. ACT 049 Equipment and Motor Vehicle Report AIR (19)
      4. ACT 049 Equipment and Motor Vehicle Report HAR (19)
      5. ACT 049 Equipment and Motor Vehicle Report HWY (19)
      6. ACT 049 Budget Proviso Report (19)
      7. ACT 029 Project Adjustment Fund Report (19)
      8. ACT 222 Bikeway Projects and Expenditures (19)
      9. ACT 317 Safe Routes to School (19)
      10. ACT 370 Transportation Improvement Special Fund (19)
      11. HCR 113 Child Passenger Safety Study (19)


Reports to the 2018 Legislature

      1. ACT 222 Bikeway Projects and Expenditures Report (18)
      2. ACT 317 Safe Routes to School Report (18)
      3. ACT 370 Transporation Improvement Special Fund Report (18)
      4. SEC 76-11.6 Establishment of Security and Law Enforcement Office (18)
      5. ACT 49 State Budget Proviso (18)
      6. ACT 100 Government Operations Report (18)
      7. ACT 119 Albizia Eradication Report (18)
      8. ACT 226 Customer Facility Charge (18)
      9. ACT 29 State Project Adjustment Fund (18)
      10. Feasibility Study on Inter-Island and Intra-Island Ferry Systems (18)


Reports to the 2017 Legislature

      1. ACT100 Government Operations Report (17)
      2. ACT119 State Budget Provisions (17)
      3. ACT222 Bikeway
      4. ACT226 Customer Facility Charge Report (17)
      5. ACT317 Safe Routes to School (17)
      6. ACT370 Transportation Special Fund
      7. HCR169 Leeward Bike Report
      8. ACT229 Water Scalping Report


Reports to the 2016 Legislature

      1. SEC 261-7(e), Operating and Use Privileges Report
      2. ACT 226, Customer Facility Charge Report
      3. SR 129, Port Authority Status Report
      4. ACT 100, Government Operations Report
      5. ACT 222, Bikeway Projects and Expenditures Report
      6. ACT 370, Transportation Improvement Special Fund Report
      7. ACT 317, Safe Routes to School Report


Reports to the 2015 Legislature

Airport Security Expenditures;
Act 001, Session Laws of Hawaii 2014

Government Operations Report;
Act 100, Session Laws 1999

      1. ACT 100, Government Operations Report (14)

Statewide Noxious Invasive Pest Program; Act 106, Session Laws of Hawaii 2012

      1. Act 106, SLH SNIPP 2012 (2014)
      2. TRN Noxious Invasive Pest Program Report Signed Transmittal
 Bikeway Projects and Expenditures;
Act 222, Session Laws of Hawaii 1995
Customer Facility Charges;
Act 226, Session Laws of Hawaii 2008
Safe Routes To School;
Act 317, Session Laws of Hawaii 2012


Reports to the 2014 Legislature

Relating To Government Operations;
Act 100, Section 7, Session Laws of Hawaii 1999
Issuance Of Bonds – Airport Revenue Bonds, Rental Motor Vehicle Customer Facility Revenue Bonds, Harbor Revenue Bond, And Highway Revenue Bonds;
Act 134, Sections 61, 62, 63, 64, Session Laws of Hawaii 2013
Special Maintenance Program Reports For Fiscal Years 2011-2015;
Act 134, Section 140, Session Laws of Hawaii 2013
Bikeway Projects and Expenditures;
Act 222, Session Laws of Hawaii 1995
Safe Routes To School;
Act 317, Session Laws of Hawaii 2012
Zipper Lane Extension Feasibility;
Act 320, Session Laws of Hawaii 2012
Transportation Improvement Special Fund;
Act 370, Session Laws of Hawaii 1997

Reports to the 2013 Legislature

Airport Revenue Bonds and Harbor Revenue Bonds, Act 106, Section 66, 66.1 and 67
      1. Transmittal Letter
      2. Annual Report

Bikeway Projects and Expenditures, Act 222, Session Laws of Hawaii 1995

      1. Transmittal Letter
      2. Annual Report
Transportation Improvement Special Fund, Act 370, Session Laws of Hawaii 1997
      1. Transmittal Letter
      2. Annual Report

CIP Staff Cost, Act 164, Section 43, 44, 46, Session Laws of Hawaii 2011

      1. Transmittal Letter
      2. Annual Report

Special Maintenance Program Reports For Fiscal Years 2009-2013, Act 164, Section 125, Session Laws of Hawaii 2011

      1. Transmittal Letter
      2. Annual Report

Travel Related Expenses Compensated By Non-State Organizations, Act 164, Section 124, Session Laws of Hawaii 2011

      1. Transmittal Letter
      2. Annual Report

Relating to Government Operations, Act 100, Section 7, Session Laws of Hawaii 1999

      1. Transmittal Letter
      2. Annual Report

Collection of a Customer Facility Charge for Rental Car Transactions at State Airports, Act 226,  Session Laws of Hawaii 2008

      1. Transmittal Letter
      2. Annual Report


Reports to the 2012 Legislature

  • Annual Report:  Collection of a Customer Facility Charge for Rental Car Transactions at State Airports, Act 226,  Session Laws of Hawaii 2008
  • Annual Report:  Circumstances and Rates and Charges Implemented Pursuant to the Section, Section 261-7(e),  Hawaii Revised Statues
  • Annual Report:  Relating to Government Operations, Act 100, Section 7, Session Laws of Hawaii 1999
  • Annual Report:  Special maintenance Program Reports For Fiscal Years 2009-2013, Act 164, Section 125, Session Laws of Hawaii 2011
  • Annual Report:  CIP Staff Cost, Act 164, Section 43, 44, 46, Session Laws of Hawaii 2011
  • Annual Report:  Travel Related Expenses Compensated By Non-State Organizations, Act 164, Section 124, Session Laws of Hawaii 2011
  • Annual Report:  Bikeway Projects and Expenditures, Act 222, Session Laws of Hawaii 1995
  • Annual Report:  Transportation Improvement Special Fund, Act 370, Session Laws of Hawaii 1997


Reports to the 2011 Legislature

  • Annual Report:  Government Operations, Act 100, Session Laws of Hawaii 1999
  • Annual Report:  State Budget, Act 180, Session Laws of Hawaii 2010
  • Annual Report:  Complete Streets Task Force Report, Act 54, Session Laws of Hawaii 2009 (Part 1 of 2)
  • Annual Report:  Complete Streets Task Force Report, Act 54, Session Laws of Hawaii 2009 (Part 2 of 2)
  • Annual Report:  Relating To Driver Licensing, Act 72, Session Laws of Hawaii 2005
  • Annual Report:  Bikeway Projects and Expenditures, Act 222, Session Laws of Hawaii 1995
  • Annual Report:  Customer Facility Charges, Act 226, Session Laws of Hawaii 2008
  • Annual Report:  Transportation Improvement Special Fund, Act 370, Session Laws of Hawaii 1997


Reports to the 2010 Legislature


Reports to the 2009 Legislature


Reports to the 2008 Legislature


Reports to the 2007 Legislature


Reports to the 2006 Legislature


Reports to the 2005 Legislature


Reports to the 2004 Legislature


Reports to the 2003 Legislature


Reports to the 2002 Legislature