Draft Statewide Federal-Aid Highways 2035 Transportation Plan Accepting Comments from Community

Posted on Apr 17, 2014 in Highways News, Main, News

HONOLULU – The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) Highways Division is soliciting public comments on the draft Statewide Federal-Aid Highways 2035 Transportation Plan (Plan) through Friday, May 2, 2014.

The Plan is a long-range multimodal land transportation plan that will guide land transportation policies and programs within the state. It also provides an opportunity for policy makers to comprehensively assess regional needs and potential solutions against statewide goals and objectives in order to set priorities and direct resources to areas that will best benefit the state. The Plan incorporates the Oahu Regional Transportation Plan 2035 and the updated Regional Federal-Aid Highways 2035 Transportation Plans for the Maui, Hawaii, and Kauai Districts.

The draft Plan can be viewed at the project website, www.hawaiilongrangeplan.com. Hard copies will be available at select library locations.  Comments may be submitted via the project website or to Rachel Roper at Rachel.LA.Roper@hawaii.gov or (808) 587-6395 or to Kathleen Chu at kathleen.chu@ch2m.com or (808) 440-028