GoAkamai Traffic Info
Want to check the traffic before you leave home or work? Use GoAkamai.org to see the current conditions on Oahu's freeways and highways. Now available for iOS and Android devices.
Honoapiilani Draft EIS available here
(View the DEIS- at the end of the first paragraph). Also get info about upcoming public hearings and how to submit your comments.
HDOT Highways Program Status Maps
View all state highways program data including current & future projects scheduled to begin in the next two years. Available data also includes Average Annual Daily Traffic counts and pavement conditions for state routes.
Community Presentations
DOT’s presentations from recent community meetings statewide are available. Click on the link above to see what projects are planned in your area.
Statewide Traffic Fatalities
We are including the year-to-date traffic fatality figures by county on our Safe Communities page to raise awareness. This will be updated weekly.