Vineyard Boulevard Roadwork Scheduled this Sunday Oct. 12

Posted on Oct 10, 2014 in Highways News, Main, News

HONOLULU – The state Department of Transportation (DOT) advises Oahu motorists of road closures on Vineyard Boulevard this Sunday October 12, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., for the Vineyard Boulevard resurfacing project. Closures will be in the area of the Punchbowl Street intersection, Palama Street intersection, and Nuuanu Avenue intersection for road repaving and restriping work.

  • Construction at the Punchboowl Street intersection and tentative work at the Nuuanu Avenue intersection will be in both directions and include reconstruction of weakened pavement, cold planning and repaving.
  • Construction at the Palama Street intersection will be in the eastbound direction and includes temporary striping.

Motorists are advised to expect traffic delays and use the H-1 Freeway, Beretania Street and King Street as alternate routes. Roadwork is weather permitting.

The Vineyard Boulevard project will provide motorists and pedestrians with a safe roadway and improved infrastructure. This project includes reconstructing weakened pavement areas, replacing damaged curbs, gutters and sidewalks, installing new bus pads and loop detectors and replacing existing traffic signal heads with new, energy-efficient, LED optical units.

Updates regarding the Vineyard Boulevard project will be available on the Department of Transportation website at For up to date roadwork notifications, please follow us on Facebook and Twitter.