3rd Round Of Hana Hwy. Bridge Preservation Plan Public Mtgs. Scheduled On Maui

Posted on Jul 23, 2015 in Highways News, Main, News


KAHULUI – The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) will be holding a third round of public informational meetings to present the Pre-Final Hana Highway Bridge Preservation Plan and collect public input prior to the drafting of the final version.  Public meetings are scheduled at the following locations and times:

Date Place Time
Meeting No. 1:  Hana Town Meeting
July 30, 2015
Helene Hall (next to Hana Bay)

150 Keawa Place, Hana, Hawaii 96713

5 p.m.
Meeting No. 2:  Maui County Cultural Resources Commission
August 6, 2015
Planning Department Conference Room

Kalana Pakui Building

250 South High Street, Wailuku, Hawaii 96793

10:30 a.m.
Meeting No. 3:  Hana Advisory Committee
August 31, 2015
Old Hana High School Cafeteria

5101 Uakea Road

Hana, Hawaii 96713

4 p.m.

In May to August of 2014, the HDOT Highways Division’s consultant team conducted a first round of meetings and presentations to elected officials, the Maui County Cultural Resources Commission, and various East Maui community associations, and organizations to introduce the preservation plan’s purpose, scope, and methodology and to gather early input from stakeholders.  Also consulted were East Maui Aha Moku representatives, the Historic Hawaii Foundation, State Historic Preservation Division, East Maui Irrigation, and individuals known to have historic knowledge of the Hana Bridges.

Subsequently, a 75-percent draft report was prepared and circulated for public review and input on the study’s findings and preliminary bridge preservation recommendations.  A second series of public meetings were held in February through March of 2015 to formally present this 75-percent draft report and collect more public input.

Following the 2015 meetings, the 75-percent draft was revised to incorporate input received, creating the Pre-Final Plan.  The Pre-Final Plan (90-percent) is a result of extensive archaeological, cultural, and historical research; field reviews; architectural, structural and traffic engineering evaluations; two rounds of community outreach meetings; and recommendations developed based on available technical information and public input gathered during the outreach process.

Hard copies of the Pre-Final Plan can be viewed at the following locations:

  Name Address Phone No.
1 HDOT Highways Division Maui District Office 650 Palapala Drive

Kahului, Hawaii 96732

2 Hana Council District Office 5101 Uakea Road,
Building A, Room 1

Hana, Hawaii 96713

3 Hana Public & School Library 4111 Hana Highway

Hana, Hawaii 96713

4 Hana Cultural Center and Museum 4974 Uakea Road

Hana, Hawaii 96713

5 OR downloaded from the internet via:  ftp://Public@ftp.nagamineokawa.com

Username:  Public

Password:  hana2015

Following public input, the Final Plan will be prepared and posted on HDOT’s website with hard copies available at the four locations listed above.

Written comments in advance of these meetings can be sent to:


Munekiyo Hiraga
Attention:  Charlene Shibuya
305 High Street, Suite 104
Wailuku, Hawaii  96793


Paul Santo
HDOT Highways Division
Bridge Design Section
601 Kamokila Boulevard, Rm 611
Kapolei, Hawaii 96707

If there are any questions regarding the foregoing, please feel free to call Charlene Shibuya at (808) 244-2015.
