Update on the Kamehameha Highway, Kāneʻohe Repaving Project, January 2025
Posted on Jan 21, 2025 in Highways News, Main, NewsHONOLULU – The Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation (HDOT) issues the following update for the Kamehameha Highway Repaving project, from Likelike Highway to Castle Junction.
Final paving work at the intersection of Kamehameha Highway/Kāneʻohe Bay Drive/ Likelike Highway was completed on the evenings of Monday, Jan. 6 and Tuesday, Jan. 7. Remaining work on this project is the installation of permanent striping throughout the stretch and is anticipated to begin within the month. This work will be conducted during daytime hours and will involve a single lane closure in the direction of work, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., weekdays.
The estimated completion date of this work is Jan. 31, 2025. Please note, all work and project completion dates are weather permitting and subject to change per these conditions.
HDOT thanks the public for its cooperation as we work to maintain safe facilities.
For a full list of lane closures scheduled on state roadways, please visit the HDOT website at https://hidot.hawaii.gov/highways/roadwork/.
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