2025 Student Internship Program (All PDF Fillable Forms)

Both Full-Time and Part-Time positions are available at all levels

Student Helper I: $15.00/hour (current High School student at least 16 years old).

Student Helper II: $20.00/hour (current College/University Freshman standing or current College/University Sophomore standing).

Student Intern I: $21.74/hour (current College/University Junior standing and completion of two years in a curriculum leading to a bachelor’s degree).

Student Intern II: $23.53/hour (current College/University Senior standing and completion of three years in a curriculum leading to a bachelor’s degree or current College/University Graduate Student standing).


SUBMIT BY EMAIL TO: [email protected]

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Fill out the Student and Intern Application Form (below) filling in all the fields and when the document is ready to submit, it will prompt you “Click to Approve”. Then fill out your email address in the pop-up window and select “Approve”.


Additional Resources: