Update on Eastbound H-1 Freeway improvements – Ola Lane to Likelike Highway, January 2025

Posted on Jan 17, 2025 in Highways News, Main, News

HONOLULU – The Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation (HDOT) notifies highway users of the continuation of night work as part of the Eastbound H-1 Freeway Improvement Project – from the Ola Lane Overpass to the Likelike Highway Off-Ramp.  

Crews have been working to widen the eastbound H-1 Freeway and construct the new retaining walls. There will be two lanes closed within the project limits on Monday nights through Friday nights, from 9 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. The H-201 Moanalua Freeway on-ramp to the H-1 Freeway is also closed during these hours. 

In addition to nightly closures, crews have been performing work daily on Richard Lane and Gulick Avenue respectively, with an alternating single lane closure, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. for utility relocation in support of the widening of the freeway. HDOT estimates widening and retaining wall work to be completed by July 2025. 

The project will then move to its next major phase, the reconstruction and widening of the Gulick Avenue Overpass. The original bridge structure will be re-constructed for approximately six months, during which time the bridge itself will be closed. A temporary pedestrian bridge will be installed for public use during the closure. Installation of the temporary pedestrian bridge will require the H-1 Freeway to be completely closed in both directions overnight. This work is estimated to begin in September 2025. More details on this closure will be announced as it is scheduled.   

The estimated completion date for the Eastbound H-1 Freeway Improvements Project is January 2027, weather permitting. For more information, please view the project website at https://h1widening.com/ 

HDOT reminds motorists to drive with caution, be aware of all traffic control signs and barriers, and plan commutes ahead of time. Special duty police officers will be on-site assisting with safety procedures.  

Please note all work is weather permitting. The final completion date of this project is subject to change per these conditions. To view the weekly roadwork list for Oʻahu, please visit https://hidot.hawaii.gov/highways/roadwork/oahu/. To sign up for weekly HDOT lane closure updates please visit: https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/hidot/subscriber/new 


