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- State Department of Transportation Reminds Hawaii Drivers Not To Drive DistractedHONOLULU – End distracted driving before it ends you. That’s the message the Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) wants to share with Hawaii’s drivers. As part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) “National Distracted Driving Awareness Month,” HDOT, along with the four county police departments and community partners, is stepping up enforcement and […]
- H-1 Freeway Airport Viaduct Deck Repair Project Begins SaturdayHONOLULU – The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT), Highways Division, continues its goal of resurfacing and improving the state’s major highway corridors. A $15.6 million project to repair damaged sections of the H-1 Freeway Airport Viaduct begins this Saturday, April 5, 2014. Approximately 94,000 square feet of concrete deck will be replaced by removing weakened […]
- Honolulu International Airport Closures for Pavement RepairsHONOLULU — The state Department of Transportation advises Honolulu and Ewa residents of an expected increase in aircraft traffic over these areas due to airfield maintenance work at the Honolulu International Airport. Runway 4R-22L will be closed from 6 p.m. to 9 a.m., Sunday nights through Friday mornings, weekly, through the end of September, for […]
- Honolulu International Airport Runway Closures for Pavement RepairsHONOLULU — The state Department of Transportation advises Honolulu and Ewa residents of an expected increase in aircraft traffic over these areas due to airfield maintenance work at the Honolulu International Airport. Runway 4R-22L will be closed from 6 p.m. to 9 a.m., Sunday nights through Friday mornings, weekly, through the end of September, for […]
- Hilo International Airport to Install New Speed Bumps to Address Speeding Concerns HILO – The state Department of Transportation (HDOT), Airports Division, advises Hilo motorists of new speed bumps that will be installed at the Hilo International Airport fronting the terminal building on Monday, March 24, to address community concerns about speeding in the area. The first speed bump will be installed at the crosswalk on the […]
- Nighttime H-1 Freeway Lane Closures from Pearl City to Waipahu on ThursdayHONOLULU — The state Department of Transportation advises Oahu motorists of lane closures on the H-1 Freeway in the westbound direction between the Pearl City/Waimalu Off-Ramp (Exit 10) and the H-1/H-2 Split from 7:30 p.m. Thursday night, March 27, through 4:30 a.m., Friday morning, March 28, for Pearl City Viaduct deck repairs. Motorists are advised […]
- SUNDAY H-1 FREEWAY LANE CLOSURES ON THE PEARL CITY VIADUCT FOR DECK REPAIRSHONOLULU — The state Department of Transportation advises Oahu motorists of lane closures on the H-1 Freeway in both directions between the Managers Drive Overpass and the Kaahumanu Street Overpass, for viaduct deck repairs. Work on Sundays will be scheduled over the next three weeks on March 23, March 30 and April 6. Daytime: Three […]
- Groundbreaking Ceremony Launches Pier 34/35 Building and Container Yard Rehabiliation ProjectHONOLULU – The state Department of Transportation (HDOT), Harbors Division, celebrated a groundbreaking ceremony today for the start of a new improvements project at Piers 34 and 35. The $16 million project will include drainage and utility improvements, and install new asphalt concrete. Interior improvements will also be made at the Pier 35 building, which […]
- Vineyard Boulevard Resurfacing Project Begins Week of March 24HONOLULU – The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT), Highways Division, continues its goal of resurfacing and improving the state’s major highway corridors. An $8.8 million project to resurface 10.5 lane miles of Vineyard Blvd from Palama Street to the H-1 Freeway On-Ramp is scheduled to begin during the last week of March, 2014. Major improvements […]
- Nighttime H-1 Freeway Westbound Lane Closures Waipahu to Waikele This WeekHONOLULU — The state Department of Transportation reminds Oahu motorists of two right lane closures on the H-1 Freeway in the westbound direction between the H-1/H-2 Split and the Waikele/Waipahu Off-Ramp (Exit 7) on Monday night, March 10, through Friday Morning, March 14, from 7:30 p.m. to 4:30 a.m., nightly, for asphalt paving . Work […]