Kamehameha Highway, Intersection Improvements at Kahekili Highway

Kamehameha Highway, Intersection Improvements at Kahekili Highway

Kahaluu, Island of Oahu, State of Hawaii

Project No. NH-083-1(082)

Project Information

The State of Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT), Highways Division, is proposing to install a roundabout at the intersection of Kamehameha Highway and Kahekili Highway replacing the existing T-intersection configuration.  The project is located at the intersection of Route 83 and Route 830.  The proposed project would construct a single circular lane around a raised and landscaped center.  Landscaping of disturbed areas, relocation of utility poles, installation of new guardrails, roadway restriping, signage, and some bus stop relocations will be done.


Project presentation (PDF)

Adjacent Parcels Exhibit (PDF)

Bus Facilities Exhibit (PDF)

Pedestrian and Bicyclist Facilities (PDF)

Comparison – Roundabout and Traffic Signal (PDF)

Project Purpose and Need

The purpose of this project is to improve safety, reduce conflicts with left turns, and provide more efficient traffic operations at the intersection and along the highway.

This proposed roundabout will meet current Federal and State design guidelines.  The roundabout will accommodate large trucks and busses, bicyclists, and pedestrians.  Accessibility provisions will be provided.

The project will be phased to allow traffic to continue through the intersection during the period of construction.

Project Environment Considerations

The proposed project will require some disruptions to the surrounding area and elevated noise levels.  Some traffic delays may occur during construction.  The project team is committed to minimizing these impacts to the extent possible, including implementing the following measures:

  • Temporary traffic controls will be implemented in phases to maintain traffic flow throughout the construction.
  • No night work.
  • Minimize any environmental impacts; Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Storm Water will be implemented.
  • Access to surrounding businesses will be maintained through the construction.
  • Bus stops will be temporarily repositioned during the phases of construction.

Public Input and Project Schedule

The proposed project is anticipated to begin construction in February 2023 and will be completed by July of 2024. Public comments accepted at https://forms.office.com/g/a3Tx0v3Tcg or by sending a postcard to 869 Punchbowl, Room 112 through May 31, 2022.

For more information, please contact:

Mr. Andrew Hirano

HDOT Project Manager

(808) 692-7546
