Waiaka Bridge Replacement
Kawaihae Road, Replacement of Waiaka Bridge and Realignment of Approaches
South Kohala, Island of Hawaii, State of Hawaii
Project No. BR-NH-019-1(045)
Project Information
The State of Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT), Highways Division, is proposing to replace Waiaka Bridge and realign the roadway approaches to the Kawaihae Road and Kohala Mountain Road intersection. The project is located near Waimea in the South Kohala district on the Island of Hawaii. Waiaka Bridge is located along Kawaihae Road at mile post 58.88 near this intersection.
Project Purpose and Need
The existing Waiaka Bridge was built in 1932, and the purpose of this project is to bring the bridge up to current standards for roadway width, load capacity, bridge railings, and bicycle and pedestrian access. This bridge provides system connectivity for the surrounding communities and accessibility for modal inter-relationships, as it is a main linkage between a major shipping port on the western side of the Island of Hawaii and the rest of the island.
Waiaka Bridge is inspected every two years, and these inspections show that the existing bridge is structurally sound but eligible for replacement. The proposed project will provide a replacement Waiaka Bridge in conformance with American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) design requirements.
This proposed replacement of Waiaka Bridge effort to meet Federal and State design guidelines also presents an opportunity for HDOT to improve the alignment of roadway approaches to the bridge and traffic operations for the nearby intersection of Kawaihae Road with Kohala Mountain Road. Realignment of the existing approaches to this intersection will improve operations by increasing line-of-sight distances.
The current configuration of the Kawaihae Road / Kohala Mountain Road intersection can be confusing to motorists. The proposed realigned intersection will provide clearer directions, contributing to improved safety and traffic operations. The proposed roundabout configuration will reduce the stop-and-go nature of the existing T-intersection, and improve operations to a continuous traffic flow. The roundabout configuration will also improve safety by reducing the severity of crash occurrences from “broad side” to “angled type” crashes.
Project Environment Considerations
The proposed project will require some disruptions to the surrounding area, including lane closures, elevated noise levels, and potential air quality concerns due to dust generated by ground disturbing activities. The project team is committed to minimizing these impacts to the extent possible, including implementing the following measures:
- Provide temporary access during construction for those travelling through the area.
- Minimize any environmental impacts to the maximum extent possible; use of Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be implemented and coordinated with appropriate agencies.
- Minimize acquisition of privately-owned lands.
- Minimize project construction cost.
Build Alternative for Bridge Replacement and Intersection Improvements
Along with replacing the bridge, HDOT’s recommended build alternative is a roundabout for the Kawaihae Road / Kohala Mountain Road intersection.

Public Input
The Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) was published on the Environmental Report Program website on March 23, 2022. The Draft EA included the recommended roundabout alternative for the final design solution. A virtual public meeting was held on Wednesday April 13, 2022, on the Draft EA and recommended alternative. The Final EA was published on July 8, 2022.
Project Schedule
Environmental certifications are anticipated to be complete by January 2025. HDOT anticipates advertising the project for bids in February 2025.
For more information, please contact:
Mr. Andrew Hirano
HDOT Project Manager
(808) 692-7546
[email protected]