Safe Routes to School Program

PURPOSEThe Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) manages the federal Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program, which has the following goals:
- Enable and encourage children, including those with disabilities, to walk and bicycle to school;
- Make bicycling and walking to school a safer and more appealing transportation alternative, thereby encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle from an early age; and
- Facilitate the planning, development, and implementation of projects and activities that will improve safety and reduce traffic, fuel consumption, and air pollution in the vicinity of schools.
Schools and communities interested in SRTS should see the handout below that provides guidance on creating a SRTS program.
How Communities Make SRTS Happen (pdf file)
In addition, the slideshow presentation below provides an overview of the federal SRTS program in Hawaii.
Overview of SRTS in Hawaii (pdf file)
Creating a SRTS plan is an important step in creating a SRTS program. See the document below for a list of information HDOT suggests including in a SRTS plan.
The following projects were previously selected to receive federal SRTS funds provided by the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU).
Infrastructure Awards |
Date |
Project |
Recipient |
Amount |
Status |
2/22/2012 |
Princess Nahienaena Elementary School Safe Routes to School Project |
County of Maui |
$116,189 |
Completed |
2/22/2012 |
Kamalii Elementary School Safe Routes |
County of Maui/Keonekai Neighborhood |
$404,629 |
Completed |
4/10/2014 | Island-Wide Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) Crosswalks and Sidewalk Improvements | County of Kauai | $434,979 | Completed |
4/10/2014 | King Kaumualii School SRTS Phase 1 | County of Kauai | $416,540 | Ongoing |
4/10/2014 | Koloa Safe Routes Phase 2 | County of Kauai | $490,875 | Ongoing |
4/10/2014 | Paia School Frontage Improvements | County of Maui | $502,443 | Completed but not closed |
4/10/2014 | Paia School Sidewalk Improvements | County of Maui | $455,495 | Completed but not closed |
Non-Infrastructure Awards |
Date |
Project |
Recipient |
Amount |
Status |
5/30/2008 | Non-Infrastructure Public Service Announcements | State of Hawaii DOT |
$162,662 |
Completed |
5/30/2008 | Safe Routes to School Awareness Project | State of Hawaii Department of Education |
$ 13,280 |
Completed |
6/9/2008 | West Hawaii Safe Routes to School Program | Peoples Advocacy for Trails Hawaii (PATH) |
$ 34,231 |
Completed |
6/9/2008 | Ride to Live, Live to Ride | Honolulu Police Department |
$48,202 |
Completed |
6/10/2008 | SRTS for Dole Middle School | Kokua Kalihi Valley |
$ 12,226 |
Completed |
4/10/2014 | Fern Elementary School SRTS | Michaels Community Services Corporation dba Better Tomorrows |
$39,058 |
Completed |
4/10/2014 | Putting Our Plans to Work | PATH – Peoples Advocacy for Trails Hawaii |
$6,029 |
Completed |
4/10/2014 | Get Fit Kauai SRTS | University of Hawaii at Manoa Office of Public Health Studies |
$19,809 |
Completed |
7/29/2016 | Campaign to Utilize Safe Routes to Wilson Elementary | Wilson Elementary School |
$5,036 |
Completed |
9/13/2018 | Hawaii Island Schools Bicycle and Pedestrian Education and Safety Program | PATH – Peoples Advocacy for Trails Hawaii | $20,735 | Completed |
As required by Chapter 19-109, Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), HDOT distributed the amounts shown in the table below from the SRTS program special fund to counties. The SRTS program special fund consists entirely of state funds collected as traffic violation surcharges. Act 9 (Special Session 2021), signed into law on July 20, 2021, requires that the legislature appropriate funds from the SRTS special fund to counties. HDOT is in the process of repealing Chapter 19-109, HAR and will not distribute funds from the SRTS program special fund to counties.
State Fiscal Year | City and County of Honolulu | County of Hawaii | County of Kauai | County of Maui | Total | ||||
Amount | Date of Transfer | Amount | Date of Transfer | Amount | Date of Transfer | Amount | Date of Transfer | Amount | |
2014 | $317,801 | 3/2015 | $94,329 | 6/2014 | $86,463 | 6/2014 | $101,406 | 6/2015 | $600,000 |
2015 | $158,901 | 6/2015 | $47,165 | 6/2015 | $43,232 | 7/2015 | $50,703 | 6/2015 | $300,000 |
2016 | $582,635 | 8/2016 | $172,937 | 6/2016 | $158,516 | 6/2016 | $185,911 | 5/2016 | $1,100,000 |
2017 | $291,318 | 7/2017 | $86,469 | 5/2017 | $79,258 | 6/2017 | $92,956 | 6/2017 | $550,000 |
2018 | $291,318 | 5/2018 | $86,469 | 4/2018 | $79,258 | 4/2018 | $92,956 | 4/2018 | $550,000 |
2019 | $287,409 | 5/2019 | $87,330 | 4/2019 | $77,677 | 4/2019 | $97,584 | 4/2019 | $550,000 |
2020 | $491,207 | 3/2020 | $149,254 | 3/2020 | $132,758 | 5/2020 | $166,780 | 3/2020 | $940,000 |
National Center for SRTS
This site includes resources for data collection and evaluation including standardized data collection forms and an online report generation system, information about existing programs including the Vision Zero for Youth initiative and links to other resources.
SRTS Guide
A comprehensive SRTS guide provided by the National Center for SRTS with resources organized by topic.
National Bike to School Day events
International Walk to School events in the USA
The National Center for SRTS also coordinates International Walk to School Day in the USA each October and National Bike to School Day each May. This site includes resources such as promotional materials, safety tips and event planning guides, which can be used for walk and bike event planning year-round.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Pedestrian and bicycle safety materials and data are in the “road safety” section.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
Federal clearinghouse of pedestrian and bicycle information about health and safety, engineering, advocacy, education, enforcement, access and mobility.
SRTS National Partnership
A group of organizations that advocates for SRTS programs. Distributes an e-newsletter with SRTS news and operates a listserv.
US Access Board
Design guidelines to assure accessibility for people with disabilities.
HDOT Pedestrian Safety Page for Educators
A simple and easy gateway for the busy teacher, driver’s education instructor and other educators to see what the different agencies in Hawaii offer in the way of pedestrian safety information for all ages.
Planning Considerations Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
This document, provided by the National Center for SRTS and Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, describes the benefits of including walking and biking to school in school reopening plans and addresses four main planning questions.
For additional information on the SRTS federal and state program in Hawaii, contact:
State of Hawaii Safe Routes to School Coordinator
Tara Lucas
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (808)692-7696
For information on SRTS county programs, contact:
City and County of Honolulu Safe Routes to School Coordinator
Yamato Sasaki
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (808)768-8312
County of Hawaii Safe Routes to School Coordinator
Dennis Kauka, Jr.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (808)961-8447
County of Maui Safe Routes to School Coordinator
Kurt Watanabe
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (808)270-7745